Graham Gillette
Graham Gillette was born on a U.S. Air Force base in Madrid, Spain, to a Navy officer and a nurse. Graham moved to Michigan as a baby, started school in Pennsylvania and, for the most part, grew up in Florida.
For thirty years, Graham has helped individuals and organizations communicate effectively. He has served on many boards including the local school board and the board of Des Moines Water Works. He holds a Masters in Science Writing from Johns Hopkins University.
Graham is founder and managing director of Gillette Strategic Resources, LLC, a communications firm serving scientific, medical, technical, retail, power generation, and public policy organizations.
Graham began working part-time for candidates and elected office holders while attending the University of South Florida in Tampa. He finished his undergraduate degree at Florida State University in Tallahassee while serving as a senior staff member for then-Florida Governor Bob Martinez.
While working in an office of the White House, Graham met his wife, Katie. They moved to Katie’s hometown, Des Moines, Iowa, in 1993. Here they raised three children who have become inspiring adults, founded a communications firm, and continue to maintain a century-old house on a quiet street in one of the best neighborhoods in America.
Phone: 515-244-1900
Merriam-Webster defines opportunity as a favorable juncture of circumstance – that is a pretty great definition. When you think about it, a series of favorable junctures of circumstance kind of describes life itself. From that very first moment oxygen rushes into our lungs giving life and a cry roars forth from our little mouths, through cuddles, first steps, first days of school, new friends, lessons, losses, wins; every day, every moment is nothing but a series of new opportunities.
The mistake we too often make is convincing ourselves that opportunity is something that is presented to us, that opportunity is a gift for the chosen – that is the dodge. Opportunity is a choice. We choose our path. We choose to act or not to act. We decide to offer a hand or to take a hand when it is offered. We choose risk. And, we can opt to decline opportunity’s invitation. But, opportunity is always ours for the taking.
Let us give thanks today for opportunity, for life. We are grateful for the grace and the courage to grab opportunity and make it our own. Life is that favorable juncture of circumstance that allows us to explore, to learn, to expand man’s reach, to help, to make the world a better place, to love. We are thankful for the opportunity of life and the ability to be together in this place at this time.
Photography provided by Graham Gillette